On 31st May 2015, in Becamex Tower (230 Binh Duong Boulevard, Thu Dau Mot City, Binh Duong Province), Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Binh Duong Province organized the ceremony meeting “World Environment Day” (5th June 2015). Participants in the meeting included local leaders, organizations, students…in Binh Duong province with over 2.500 participants.

   GSV was the only foreign invested-capital company which received the award “Environment Award of Binh Duong Province in 2015” because we had many good activities for protecting environment through establishing environment-protecting-machine like dust collector, mist scrubber, waste water treatment system… along with energy saving activities to save energy, LPG, electricity, water..

   Furthermore, joining this event, GSV was also a sponsor through sponsoring gifts for the activity “Exchange waste to get gift”  with the total value about 100 million dong.

   Besides, GSV attracted visitors to join the game “Challenge to take care of battery together with GS” to get more  GSV’s attractive gifts such as helmet, plastic fan, point pen.

   This is an opportunity for GSV and provincial leaders to make propaganda to the public for protecting environment by bringing the discarded batteries to GSV legal collection places to prevent the illegal collector from dumping the acid and lead to the environment, using the batteries correctly, increasing the battery life, reducing disposal into the environment. With these realistic activities, GSV hope to contribute to environmental protection.

Mr Soichi Hanano (in the middle) –General Director of GSV receive Green Environmental Award 2015

Mr Soichi Hanano (in the middle) –General Director of GSV receive Green Environmental Award 2015

The booth with game “Challenge to care battery with GS” attracts a lot of participants.

The booth “Exchanging discarded products to get gifts” is sponsored by GSV

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