GSV News


   Hanoi - After the success of the program " Care Bus Day Event" took place in the HCM city in April, GS Battery Co.,Ltd Vietnam has continued to sponsor and together with Bridgestone tires and BVOT group bring care services to buses and coaches’s driver at Giap Bat bus station in Ha Noi on July 24, 25 / 06/2015. The purposes are to increase knowledge of car care for the drivers and equip the safe driving message for drivers, that helps reduce road accidents.

   Mr. Soichi Hanano- General Director of GS Battery Vietnam said: "With the motto increasing customer satisfaction and wishes to contribute to the social development of Vietnam, through the gratitude customer activities like this, GS Vietnam hope the drivers will find useful information on how to care and maintenance of batteries as well as traffic to minimize these unfortunate situations on the road. Thus , this will enhance safety traffic awareness for buses and coaches community today".

   After the first year, the program has succeeded beyond expectations with over 230 coaches and buses participated, providing care knowledge and services: checking tires, checking batteries, checking oil & lube, cleaning windshield, cleaning air filters, scanning errors, refilling coolant & windshield washer and consulting. During the checking process, battery maintenance was attracted almost drivers. However, according to survey results in GS Vietnam 95% of participating vehicles used acid type batteries, but over 60% battery was low electrolyte, while 30% of drivers filled up the batteries with acid instead of distilled water. In addition, many of the buses and coaches filled their vehicle’s battery cavity with other cargo, resulting in air being unable to escape from the batteries – which can adversely affect a battery’s lifespan, lead to swelling, or in worst cases, explosion of the battery. At “Bus Care Day”, GS technicians were onsite to provide consultation to drivers on how they can make their batteries safer and more effective.


   Apart from providing technical support and equipping drivers with knowledge on safety and maintenance, “Bus Care Day” encouraged drivers to share the difficulties they face on the road and in their jobs.

   75% of participating drivers is that they do not get the sympathy of the people around. The two biggest problems of the drivers (77% survey results) is poor quality of roads and or being offside. In addition, the car or lying roads and lack of leisure time are also worrying problem of lorry drivers.


    The event will be continued while in the other provinces and cities to provide the care services and safe driving message to a large number of the drivers.
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