QCC activity is one of the annual activity of GS Battery Vietnam Co., Ltd. (GSV).

Activity in 2019 (from April to September) with the aim of improving the working environment, improving quality, productivity, saving costs and reducing waste ...

Being part of yearly QCC activity, QCC Convention in 2019 was held final round on 27th Sep. 2019 with the attendance of 23 teams from Factory No.1, No.2 and Binh Xuyen.

QCC Convention was held in the exciting atmosphere together with carefully prepared reports on the content, combined with clearly and creative presentations. With their enthusiasm, passion and outstanding improvement spirit, Bach Ma team (Bình Dương Factory No.1) deserved to be the champion of this year's QCC Convention.

Through this activity, all teams will be able to participate in training courses about team work skills, knowledge of QCC and learn from other teams...

Summary, QCC activity is an opportunity for all employees to develop themselves, improve the spirit of improvement and contribute to the motivation of work.

GSV’s employees joined QCC Convention 2019

Top three champion teams                                                                     Seven encourage teams

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